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Video Production Invoice Template

Between shooting, cutting and color correction, videographers have enough to deal with. Invoicing software from FreshBooks helps you get paid up to 2x faster, the right way.

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The Best Invoicing for Videographers

Don’t submit a great looking video to your client and follow up with a lackluster invoice. The free videography invoice template from FreshBooks helps keep your look consistent throughout.

Invoice with FreshBooks instead.

Get Your Free Videography Invoice Template

Are you a videographer or work in video or film production?

If so, it’s likely that you have a lot on your plate when it comes to working with clients, shooting video and managing your business. All that hard work pays off when you finish the project and go home with money in your pocket.

With the free videography invoice template from FreshBooks, you can spend less time worrying about your business invoicing and more time doing what you love.

From start to finish, FreshBooks has you covered.

Before you even get started on working on your project, you can send an estimate to your client so that you are both on the same page. Not only does this ensure that your clients know exactly what they are getting, but it also helps you estimate exactly what you need to realize your vision.

FreshBooks offers a free video production quotation template, so that you can get started on the right footing. From there, you can rest easy knowing that your project won’t have hidden costs and your clients are on board with what you are providing.

You can then carry over the information that you included in the original quotation to the free videography invoice template. Using free invoicing software makes your payment process as easy as possible.

Simply download, customize and send. Create custom invoices in minutes.

Now available in .PDF, .XLS, .DOC,  Google Docs and Google Sheets. Edit your invoice in the format that suits you best, and save your document in a PDF format for simple and professional invoicing. Browse all invoice templates in our gallery.

Download a Video Production Invoice Template

Invoice with FreshBooks

Videography Invoice

As a videographer, you have an amazing skill for capturing life’s moments. For the invaluable service you offer your clients, you deserve to get paid the right way. Use the videography invoice template today.

Download as:

Production Assistant Invoice

We get it, you’ve got your hands full handling all of the tasks of being a busy production assistant. Save time on your business invoicing by using the production assistant invoice template from FreshBooks.

Download as:

Video Editing Invoice

Your attention to detail ensures that your customers love your work and come away happy every time. You need an invoice that’s just as detail-focused as you are to ensure you get paid the right way.

Download as:

Invoice with FreshBooks

Film Production Invoice

From independent films to large productions, a lot goes into making a film come to life. Be sure to get paid for all of your services, labor and equipment with the film production invoice template.

Download as:

What Is a Video Production Invoice Used for?

As a videographer or filmmaker, you need a way to bill clients for the work that you do. You may offer a wide range of services and serve several clients, so it can get complicated managing so many details at once.

Perhaps you have tried hiring an accountant or fussing with bookkeeping tools on your own. These can get complicated and even expensive – taking time and resources away from you doing your best work.

Invoicing your clients with a custom videography invoice template is a cheaper, more manageable solution. A video production invoice ensures that you get all of the details you need to get paid the right way, without the high price tag.

To check out a free video production quote example, head to FreshBooks and peruse our gallery of options.

They are preformatted with helpful sections including hiring equipment, hourly billing, and editing software charges. You can draft invoices like a pro and get started on your way to easier invoicing, today.

From there, it’s lights, camera, action.

Ready to try out a video production invoice? Below are the many uses for invoices in your video production business.

  • Keep a record of all client charges
  • Calculate your monthly and yearly income
  • Organize all client payment contact information
  • Collect payment in a timely manner
  • Create a log of outstanding debts
  • Simplify your bookkeeping
  • Avoid headaches come tax time

Using a video production invoice allows you to bill your clients and ensure that you get paid for your work. It helps you keep a record of important details, organize payment information and set you up for success come tax time.

You can use the film production quotation template to ensure that you and your clients are on the same page. Not only will they appreciate your professionalism, but you can start your project knowing that there won’t be any quibbles or misunderstandings down the line.

If you are looking for a simple and inexpensive solution to sending invoices to your clients, download the free invoice template for videographers from FreshBooks today.

How to Create a Video Production Invoice

No matter where your video work takes you, you need a reliable way to invoice your clients. With the video production invoice from FreshBooks, you have a solution that works – without breaking the bank.

With a variety of useful invoice options to choose from, you will have everything you need to get started at your fingertips. It’s free, accessible, and super-speedy.

You can always adjust your invoice as you go, with invoice editor options built into the template. If your prices go up or your project goes on longer than expected, you can edit your invoice to reflect any changes.

Enjoy easier invoicing with FreshBooks today, and get started on your journey to making the movies you love and getting paid the way you deserve.

So how do you start making invoices for your film or video production business? It’s simple. Download the video invoice template, customize it for your clients and send.

Check out the instructions below to learn more about creating your own videography invoices.

  1. Download your free video production invoice template
  2. Add your name, your business name and contact information
  3. Include your business branding and logo, if applicable
  4. Fill out the customer’s name, business and contact information
  5. Include a unique invoice number, invoice date and payment due date
  6. List the services you provided and the description and price for each
  7. Calculate the total cost and include it at the bottom of the invoice
  8. Add your business payment terms and additional information
  9. Send the completed invoice to your client via FreshBooks, email or direct mail

Create videography invoices in a matter of minutes. The free, blank template makes it easy to customize to suit your business needs.

Be sure to include important details about your services, your accepted payment methods and the payment due date. This helps your client know exactly what they are paying for and how. That way, you can get paid on time and the right way, every time.

Choosing the right invoice format for your project will make your invoicing process as smooth as possible. All you need to do is download and edit invoices to suit your needs.

Invoice Types for Video Producers

Depending on the needs of your videography or filmmaking business and the services it provides, you will likely need a certain type of invoice to serve your needs. From one-time projects to regular engagements, you need an invoicing method that helps you stay organized and professional.

Video producers in North America, the UK and across the world are using invoice templates in their business. Browse the types of videography invoices below to figure out what may work best for you.

  • Standard Invoice: A standard invoice is a simple bill stating how much your client owes you for your services
  • Recurring Invoice: This invoice can be used to accept ongoing payments from clients, such as on a weekly or monthly basis
  • Prepayment Invoice: If you are asking your clients for a deposit, you will send a prepayment invoice. This may be a portion of the total owed
  • Time-Based Invoice: This sort of invoice is used to charge a client when the total cost is dependent on the length of time spent on the project
  • Credit Invoice: A credit invoice is sent to a client to give notice of a refund or positive account balance
  • Debit Invoice: This invoice is sent to notify a client that they owe a given amount of money for services
  • Mixed Invoice: This includes credits and charges made to an account

You can use a videography invoice to bill for a variety of video and film services, including acting. Charge your clients a deposit, on a weekly basis or whatever works for your arrangement. It’s important to select an invoice type that fits your business style and needs.

Want to create your own invoices for free? FreshBooks makes it easy to do just that. Download the template below to get started.

Download Free Templates

Download a Video Production Invoice Template for Free

Ready to start getting paid for your video or film gigs?

The videography invoice template from FreshBooks is free, customizable and suitable for all your business needs. Don’t worry about fussing with other expensive tools and software. Send professional invoices in just a few minutes.

Editing invoices has never been easier. You can easily customize your invoice to suit any project, whether it’s a long term film or a short term design.

Simply choose the right invoice template for you to get started. From there, all you need to do is fill in the relevant invoice details, save and send.

Take control of your invoicing and get started on easier invoicing with FreshBooks.

Upgrade Your Invoice Template with FreshBooks

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