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Social Networking Definition

Updated: February 27, 2023

Networking has always been an important part of operating a small business. Doing everything you can to get your products or services in front of the right people goes a long way. Interacting with other professionals is a great way to create new contacts and exchange information.

It works so effectively by having common interests and then discussing ideas, and it’s usually done in a social setting. For example, you might meet a new contact at a conference, event, or even just in random passing. Social networking, on the other hand, can provide even more opportunities. So what exactly is social networking and how does it work? We put together this guide that covers everything you need to know.

Keep reading to learn how you can use social networking, some main components, and important terms. There are several benefits that you can receive and you never know where it might take your business.

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    • Social networking involves using social media apps and sites to stay connected.
    • You can post photos and videos, share updates, join groups, and search for interests and hobbies.
    • Some of the most popular social networking platforms include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    What Is Social Networking?

    Are you active on any social media apps or websites? Think about the likes of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, for example. They are used for staying in touch with friends and connecting with different people.

    It could be family and friends, it could be colleagues and clients, or it could be to get in front of your target audience. Whatever you use social media for, social networking can have a few different main purposes.

    You might just use it for social and personal purposes, or it could strictly be for business purposes. It’s become a mainstream way to use the internet and there are hundreds of different apps and sites out there you can use. These social media apps are known as social networks.

    Yet, different social media apps are going to attract a certain type of user. Some people prefer to only use one over the other. And other people could be active users on more than one.

    But no matter the way you choose to social network, it allows you to stay connected with a network of friends and build relationships. Not only with those you already know, but also with new friends, colleagues, or clients.

    You can share photos and videos and update others about what is going on in your life on your online profile. As well, you can post about common interests and network with other like-minded people. This can get done through things like groups or using hashtags on different social media platforms.

    Social networking is a great way to also increase brand recognition and brand awareness. Marketers leverage the power of these social networking sites to reach their customers. The sites make it much more accessible to target their ideal audience. It’s an effective way to share content and highlight your brand’s voice.

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    How Social Networking Works

    Social networking works by connecting the business and personal relationships people have through technology. Social platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are a few of the most popular sites that help make this possible.

    Users can connect with the user base on a platform to share information, send messages, and explore ideas. As well, social networking is an effective way for family members to stay connected. They can share photos and videos with loved ones and stay up to date on each other’s lives.

    On a platform such as Facebook, for example, a user can create an account and then add ‘Friends’ who also have accounts. These can be friends, family members, business colleagues, or even random strangers with similar interests.

    In the business world, social networking serves as a powerful tool. It can help build brand loyalty and increase brand recognition. Essentially, businesses can become more accessible to their customers through social media marketing. It’s a great way to share content and allow brands to interact with users and convert them into customers.

    The Most Common Social Networking Terms

    Social networking websites and apps are going to differ from one online platform to another. They have unique features and different concepts. For example, Instagram is designed to share photos and videos. Twitter, on the other hand, is aimed more at sharing thoughts and opinions.

    But even though some might vary a little bit, they all include some common elements and terms. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common social networking terms.

    Public Profiles

    This is where every social networking app or site is going to start. Once you sign up, you’ll be asked to create your profile. Your profile contains the most basic information about you, like a photo and your location.

    You can also add short bios that explain who you are and some of your interests. And you can also include other, more personal, pieces of information. These can include things like where you went to college, your birthday, and specific interests that you have.

    Followers and Friends

    Once you have your profile set up, adding friends and followers is your next step. To put things simply, friends and followers are what makes social networking social. They are people that you add, or that add you, to interact together on the site or app.

    Your friends and followers can then see your posts or photos that you add, including when you post status updates. Then, you interact with each other by using likes, making comments, or sharing. And it works oppositely, as well.

    When you have a friend or follower you can also see the photos or videos they share and their posts. You can comment, share, or like the things you enjoy or are interested in the most. It’s a great way for communities of people and casual friends to stay in touch.

    Some people only use social networking sites and apps to stay connected with friends and family. But social media has grown into one of the most effective ways to grow a business and reach the right target audience.

    Comments, Likes, and Shares

    They were mentioned above but commenting, liking, and sharing is what makes social networking so powerful. The like button is the most common element. If you see something that you like while social networking, you can like it to show appreciation.

    You can also take the idea of liking posts to another level. On Facebook, for example, you can leave expressions and reactions. You can use these features to add a little more context to how you feel. It could be surprise, sadness, laughter, or even love.

    Comments are another big component of social networking. This is how you’re going to interact and take things further than a simple like or reaction. You might have a friend or family member that posted a new life update. If that’s the case, you can comment on their post to express your thoughts.

    Many people use comments to leave their thoughts about a product or service they used on a company’s social networking page. It’s an effective way to start a conversation and create a dialogue among many people.

    Home Feed

    A home feed, or home page, is a big part of most social networking apps and sites. When you first sign up, you can choose certain interests and hobbies that you enjoy most. The algorithms of the apps and sites will fill your home feed to display posts from other accounts that align with your interest.

    You’re also going to see posts from the friends and followers that you have on your home feed. It’s a great way to stay updated by scrolling through and seeing what’s new. From here, you can like, comment, and share anything you want to.


    Hashtags are an effective way to search for certain things or to use on your own posts to have them show up in more places. A hashtag is simply a word or phrase that has the pound sign (#) in front of it.

    They help to group interests and topics together to allow other people who are interested in the same things to find the posts easier. For example, let’s say you post a picture from your favorite coffee shop. You could add the word coffee as a hashtag. Other people who use a similar hashtag and have similar interests might be able to see your post.

    Or, you can search for hashtags to find a grouping of posts that you’re most interested in. Essentially, hashtags help draw more attention to the posts that you make and encourage interaction.


    This works in the exact way that you might expect when being in person. Groups are a way to find other people who have similar interests. You can create your own group to allow other people to join, or you can join an existing group.

    It could be a group for your favorite TV show, movie, book, or hobby. Groups are also an effective way to stay connected. For example, you might join a group that’s dedicated to your graduating class. This lets you stay updated and in contact with everyone you went to school with.


    Do you like to post a lot of pictures of friends and family? What about when you’re at your favorite cafe or restaurant? Tagging helps to identify certain people or places that are in your photos.

    If you post a photo of you and a group of friends, you can tag each one of them. Not only will it let others know who is in your photo, but the photo will then show up on your friend’s page. Or, if you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, you can post a photo and tag the cafe in it. It encourages others to make comments on posts.

    This will let people know where you’re enjoying your coffee. It’s a great way to add more engagement to the photos you post.

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    Social Networking Examples

    One of the best aspects about social networking is there is a wide range of uses, and it can be for either personal or professional purposes.

    For example, users can create a Facebook account and connect with family members all over the world. They can send photos and videos, share updates about their lives, and instantly message each other no matter the location. It’s a great way to stay connected with loved ones.

    As well, social networking is also an incredibly powerful tool for professionals and business use. Businesses regularly leverage the power of social networking to help build brand awareness and engage with customers. A business might develop a social media strategy to promote a new product or service and reach its target market in an effective way.

    If it did this, the strategy might involve posting updates about the new product or service on Facebook or Instagram and also include relevant content such as blog posts. Professionals also use social networking to generate leads, connect with clients, and expand their own professional network.

    A platform such as LinkedIn, for example, is a great way for professionals to highlight their skills and engage with colleagues.


    A social networking platform works in a similar way to the traditional concept of networking. The main difference is that it’s done on social media apps or a popular platform like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. It allows you to stay connected with friends and family and build relationships.

    Digital marketing is an incredibly effective way to stay connected. Plus, social networking is a powerful tool to build brand awareness and establish brand recognition. You can leverage the apps and sites to get in front of your target audience and reach more customers.

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    FAQs on Social Networking

    What Are the Advantages of Social Networking?

    Spending different amounts of time on social platforms allows you to stay in contact with people you might not otherwise be able to. For example, you might have a friend or family member that lives in a different country. Social networking lets you send instant messages to stay in touch.

    What Are the Disadvantages of Social Networking?

    Misinformation is one of the biggest disadvantages. It can be easy to get caught up in the false perception of things that are posted. This can lead to negative effects on mental health, like levels of depression and social anxiety symptoms for numerous individuals.

    What Are the Main Social Networking Apps and Sites?

    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are a few of the most popular social networking apps and sites. But there are hundreds of others out there that appeal to different users. Some of these include Pinterest, Facebook Messenger, TikTok, and Snapchat.

    What Else Can You Do with Social Networking?

    Political campaigns, like an election campaign, can benefit from the power of social networking. You can also use social networking to increase brand awareness for business purposes. To help with psychological well-being, try to limit the number of minutes per platform.


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