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Season 2 - Episode 8:

Monetizing Your Skills- Carmelia Ray

Monetizing Your Skills- Carmelia Ray

Episode Summary

In this episode, celebrity matchmaker Carmelia Ray shares how she turned her skills into a multiple revenue stream business.

Episode Notes

Something we’ve heard a lot from the female entrepreneurs at our I Make A Living live events, is that so many of you have trouble with sales. Even though we know what we have to offer we sometimes feel uncomfortable asking for what we’re worth.

Carmelia Ray is an internationally acclaimed matchmaker for high achieving men and the quality women they’re searching for. She’s also a renowned TV personality from Mom Vs. Matchmaker, The Real Housewives Of Toronto, and A User’s Guide to Cheating Death (Fall 2018).

A frequent media contributor, Carmelia’s advice and expertise have been featured in notable outlets including AskMen, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, OK! Magazine, Global News, Cupid’s Pulse, The Marilyn Denis Show, CHCH News, Elle, Playback, and countless others. Her wealth of wisdom and experience has also attracted in-demand partnerships with major dating companies including, Lava Life, Instant Chemistry, and more.

Carmelia is a great example of selling confidently and being bold about getting paid for the value she offers others.

Here’s a summary of what Carmelia taught us today:

  • Focus your sales pitch on the value proposition for your clients rather than minutia of the product or service and try not to sound desperate even if you are
  • Get organized and plan as much as you can
  • Always incorporate time with family and loved ones into your schedule, no matter how busy your business gets
  • Network like you would make friends – the more relationships you build, the more robust your sales network
  • Collaborate, Collaborate, Collaborate

See what Carmelia is up to at or on social media @carmeliaray.



Carmelia Ray- Website