Lisa Craymer

Senior Content Marketing Manager, FreshBooks Lisa is passionate about small business success, having managed funding programs for hundreds of Canadian start-ups and entrepreneurs. She is presently Senior Content Marketing Manager at FreshBooks.

Business Owners: How to Make the Most of This Holiday Season

Owning a business can be all-consuming, commanding all your thoughts, feelings, and energy. Add a particularly stressful couple...

End the Year Right: Small Business Planning Tips to Wrap Up 2022

End the Year Right: Small Business Planning Tips to Wrap Up 2022

End the Year Right: Small Business Planning Tips to Wrap Up 2022
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12 Useful Features You Might Not Know Are in FreshBooks

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With the Right Tax Reports, Keep All Your Numbers in One Place During Tax Season

With the Right Tax Reports, Keep All Your Numbers in One Place During Tax Season
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Should Google Calendar Be Your Default Scheduling Tool?

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How Lisa Runs Her Business Day-to-Day, While Still Staying on Top of Her Books Come Tax Time

How Lisa Runs Her Business Day-to-Day, While Still Staying on Top of Her Books Come Tax Time