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Stay Connected With A Better Client Management System

Excellent Star Rating (Based on 4,267 GetApp reviews)

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Business Owners Love FreshBooks Client Management Tools

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Save $10,000 every year (on average) in billable hours with FreshBooks

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The ROI on FreshBooks subscriptions is 1087%, and thatā€™s on top of providing better client service

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94% of business owners say FreshBooks is super easy to set up and get started with

Know Where You Stand With Each Client

With all client estimates, invoices, payments, credits, and other financial info in one place, itā€™s easy to keep track of clients. And, a better grasp of clients helps you serve them better.

Accurate Billing Starts By Tracking Client Work

Keep clients informed and engaged with the Projects feature in our CRM software, so youā€™re always on the same page. Log every billable minute with Time Tracking to record all work and send more accurate invoices to customers.


Build Client Trust By Staying Connected

Communication and transparency are great ways to keep clients interested in their projects. With client management features such as Client Portal, Comments, Project Collaboration, and File Sharing, relationships blossom in the Freshbooks client management software.


Use Client Info to Grow Your Business

The client reports (Client Account Statement, Revenue by Client, Time Entry Details, Invoice Details, Payments Collected, Retainer Summary) in our CRM software tell you which of your existing customers help or hinder your small business.


Foster Loyalty With Client Credits

Track loyalty discounts, refund prior work, or take prepayments through the Credits client management tool, so you know where you stand with your customers. Then, auto-apply Credits to Invoices to keep your books accurate.





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What else?

More Ways To Connect With and Track Clients


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Get Your Team on Board

Specify team member access to client data

Client Account Statement

Leverage client records to know where you stand with each client (outstanding balances, invoices, payment history, and Credits)

Revenue by Client Report

Understand billed, collected, and outstanding revenue by each client over a specified time period

Time Entry Details Report

Review how much time you and your team have logged for customers over a particular time period

Invoice Details Report

An overview of invoices created in a specified time period (filter by client, issue date, paid date, currency, and status)

Retainer Summary Report

The details of tracked time against a particular Client and Retainer

Client Portal

Get full visibility on clients and store unique client information in one convenient place

Payments Collected Report

A breakdown of received payments, including which invoice a payment was for, the date, and the client

Easy Collaboration

Invite clients to collaborate on Projects

Credit Tracking

Easily keep track of all client credits

Have Lots of Clients and Want to Save on Billing?

Our FreshBooks Select Plan could be the solution for you, saving you time and money during the client management process.

The Select Plan includes:

  • A dedicated account manager to train your team on major features and migrate your books from other platforms
  • Access to lower credit card fees and transaction rates
  • 2 free team member accounts

Client Management Resources to Support Your Business

Why Your Firmā€™s Accounting Tech Stack May Be Hurting Your Client Experience

[eBook] Crack the Client Code

How to Use Cloud Accounting to Help You Identify High-Value Clients

Sign up for a newsletter that helps you think differently about client management.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Client Accounts Work?

Clients can view, print, and pay Invoices, Estimates and Proposals with the link you send them, without having to sign up for an account in the FreshBooks client management software platform. You and your sales team will have a birds-eye view of client activity, making it easy to follow up and support clients at every stage of your customer lifecycle.

A Client Account lets clients take action on our user-friendly interface by commenting on Invoices, Estimates and Proposals, as well as collaborating on any Projects and tasks theyā€™re invited to. Client Accounts also let clients save their payment information safely in your client database, so it’s easy for them to pay future Invoices.

You can prompt new customers to create a free account in our CRM software by sending them an Invoice, Estimate, or Proposal. Your client can then click the “Save this Invoice/Estimate/Proposal” button or the “Log in to view all Invoices/Estimates/Proposals” link. From here, they can create a password, and then they can view their new account.

If you invite your client to a project instead, they can click the button in the email inviting them to the project. They can then create a password and provide you with all the information you need before being taken to their account.

Learn how client accounts work in our client management system here.

Can Clients Save Their Payment Details?

The FreshBooks client management system makes every process easy for clients, resulting in a better client relationship for you. Client Accounts can be used to save credit card details for re-use on any new Invoice. A client must log into a Client Account to use the saved information to pay an Invoice. Saved payment information can then be used with payment automation to create recurring payments on invoices and subscriptions.

Learn more about saving payment info in your FreshBooks account here.

How Do I Work With Clients on a Project?

A Client Account lets customers collaborate with you on any project theyā€™re invited to in your client management system. This collaboration includes commenting on tasks, sharing files (images, gifs, PDFs, documents, and spreadsheets), and posting links.

A Client can click on the Project section of their FreshBooks account anytime. From here, they can share any comments, files, or links in the “Discuss” area.

A great way to foster client relationships in the FreshBooks client management software is by collaborating on tasks by sharing files, attachments, or comments with your Client and Team Members. Everything, including your customer communications and other client details, are stored inside the project for easy reference anytime you need it.

Learn more about client management and project collaboration here.

Project Management: Can I Assign Project Managers to Projects in FreshBooks?

In the FreshBooks client management software system, Project Managers are an extra level of access that can be assigned to any existing Team Member (except Contractors) on projects and tasks. Once designated as Project Manager to a specific Project, your client manager can:

  • Manage the project by editing it as needed (file sharing, commenting, etc.)
  • View Invoices and Expenses associated with a Project
  • Generate Invoices for the project, including rebilling all associated Expenses created by the team
  • View all time entries for the project – both theirs and the teamā€™s

Learn more about project managers here.


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