Welcome to the FreshBooks Accounting Partner Program

Mission: To empower you to serve your small business clients better, through a vibrant community and a collaborative accounting experience.

Accounting Professionals Program

For Lindsay Darby, CMA, using FreshBooks with her small business clients has been transformative. Why? They love the automation and the ease of using FreshBooks compared to other tools.

Once she became a FreshBooks-Certified Accounting Partner, Lindsay realized how valuable the community behind the program is:

“I just really love being able to bounce ideas off the other accountants. The other FreshBooks Accounting Partners have been so helpful. … I’ve received great feedback from them—and from the FreshBooks Accounting Specialists. It’s been really collaborative.”

(Read more about Lindsay’s experience as a FreshBooks Accounting Partner.)

What Set It Apart (Why Partner With Us?)

Not all accounting partner programs are created equal. Our program is designed for accountants and bookkeepers who are seeking deeper connections with their clients, and working with them as a trusted advisor. We make this happen through what we call collaborative accounting.

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Collaborative Accounting Model

In a collaborative accounting model, your business-owner clients manage some or all of their day-to-day operations, like invoicing, expenses, and payments. This frees up your time to provide high-value services, including strategy, analysis, and coaching.

You and your clients work together in the software, each handling part of the workflow. That way, you both have visibility into the business and a deeper understanding of it. The goal is a seamless experience where the accounting professional becomes a true partner in their client’s business.

User-Friendly Platform

FreshBooks was built for small business owners. Again and again, our customers tell us how easy it is to use FreshBooks compared with other accounting software. They tell us how they’re no longer intimidated by their bookkeeping. And that their accountants are relieved to no longer wade through piles of receipts at tax time.

That creates a ripple effect that makes the collaborative accounting approach possible.

“When business owners have access to technology they’re comfortable with, accounting professionals get timely data that enables them to provide so much more than bookkeeping or compliance support,” said Twyla Verhelst, CPA and Head of the FreshBooks Accountant Channel.

“Businesses benefit immensely when their accountant or bookkeeper offers forward-looking analysis and advice. It sets the stage for success.”

What Is the FreshBooks Accounting Partner Program?

The mission of the Accounting Partner Program is twofold:

  • To promote collaborative accounting between accounting partners and their clients
  • To empower accounting partners—through knowledge, community, and support—to provide more advisory services to clients (which, in turn, empowers clients)

Our mission centers around the FreshBooks’ 4E philosophy: “Execute extraordinary experiences every day.”

Partner Program Benefits

Just looking for the master list of partner program benefits? Okay, you’ve got it!

Comprehensive certification and ongoing education. Starting with our comprehensive FreshBooks accounting professional certification and training, you’ll have many opportunities for learning and development.

Dynamic online community. Enjoy unique challenges, earn rewards, and connect with fellow accounting partners and industry peers.

Human-centric account management. Work with a Partner Consultant who will help you reach your goals as a FreshBooks Accounting Partner.

Dedicated support. Get help when you need it from Accounting Specialists on our industry-defining support team. These FreshBooks experts understand the needs of accountants and bookkeepers.

Client discounts. Offer your clients access to exclusive FreshBooks discounts.

Free data conversion. We’ll help you migrate client data from another accounting platform to ensure a smooth transition to FreshBooks.

Free FreshBooks Account. Receive a personal subscription to use for your own books
or as a demo environment.

Client referrals. ​​Want more clients? Through our FreshBooks-Certified Accounting Partner Directory, you can get connected with our small businesses seeking your services.

In addition to these program benefits, as an accounting partner, you also have opportunities to provide product feedback and contribute to the FreshBooks feature roadmap.

FreshBooks certification for accounting professionals

Who Is the Program For?

The Accounting Partner Program is best suited to modern accountants and progressive bookkeepers who are interested in the collaborative accounting model and are actively building a cloud-based practice.

The collaborative accounting model makes it that much easier to plan proactively. So, the program is also for accounting professionals who are investing in working with scaling businesses and want to grow alongside them.

How Do I Become a FreshBooks Accounting Partner?

Curious to learn more and connect with the program? We can’t wait to hear from you.

First, visit the program page to apply online. Then, we’ll be in touch directly so you can:

  • Complete your FreshBooks certification
  • Access all your benefits, including your discounts and referral bonuses
  • Share your goals for the program
  • Connect with with your dedicated Partner Consultant
  • Join the FreshBooks Accounting Partner Community

Ready to begin your journey? Let’s get started!

Shannon Kelly

Written by Shannon Kelly, Senior Content Marketing Manager, FreshBooks

Posted on August 20, 2020